You can also do a quick file rename yourself. Therefore, the "create deployment artifacts" feature of the Flowable Designer can be used to generate a BAR file containing a. bpmn extension was not supported as a deployment artifact for a process definition.

So, the Flowable Designer works with a single file for both the graphical diagram as well as the BPMN 2.0 XML. The same file can however be opened with an XML editor and it then shows the BPMN 2.0 XML elements of the process definition. When opened with the Flowable Diagram Editor view this will provide a graphical modeling canvas and palette. bpmn file when creating a new Flowable diagram. Make sure the "Contact all updates sites." checkbox is checked, because all the necessary plugins will then be downloaded by Eclipse. In the following panel, click on Add button and fill in the following fields: The following installation instructions are verified on Eclipse Mars and Neon. Flowable comes with an Eclipse plugin, the Flowable Eclipse Designer, that can be used to graphically model, test and deploy BPMN 2.0 processes.